Oh, Hello 2015

Hello everyone!

Wait, but, seriously…what day is it?

I ask this because the last few (or rather the first few of the year) have been a total blur. Admittedly, I still have that holiday feeling going on in my little apartment. Yes, tree, Christmas lights and all. My last week of December was quite work-filled and while I did quite a bit of shopping, I didn’t manage to get it together enough to by a 2015 calendar. So I still have last year’s hanging on my wall, turned to December, so you could see how this could be confusing.

Ringing in this new year’s was a success, I must say. I always say that I pretty much only need two things to make an evening successful: good food, and good company. I had both. My friend Kelsey decided to come up from Santa Barbara for an impromptu visit, and we decided to celebrate in style with my friend Courtney. This of course translates to applying lots of glittery eye makeup and watching “Magic Mike” whilst eating tacos. (There may or may not have been a “Magic Mike” drinking game involved. Rules: drink every time you see gyrating, and so on…)


Photo c/o Kelsey Tinkham

Our neighborhood bar and taqueria, pre-new-year’s-eve festivities. I’ve discovered the fried chicken taco everyone. Amazing!

It turns out that, out of all my friends, I’m one of the only ones who isn’t afraid of opening a bottle of bubbly. It’s one of my favorite things, actually. I managed to shoot the cork from this bottle of cava across the room! Please also note that while I was inept at taking pictures of my outfit this particular evening, I was, in fact, wearing hot pink pants and my most amazing new shoes.


Photo c/o Kelsey Tinkham

We went out all dressed in black. Like a band. A really classy one. That frequents wine bars.


Post-new year’s countdown. We went home that evening covered in streamers/silly string.

The next morning we did as all good San Franciscans do and spent some time in Dolores Park ringing in the new year with mimosas. I had a hard time keeping up with the conversation, as there were so many adorable dogs running around the park that afternoon. Also, in true San Francisco fashion, there was a rather large drone flying in circles around the park, enjoying its time interrupting people with its loud, mosquito-like whirring. The joys of technology.



Of course, regardless of it being almost 40-degree weather, we trucked over to Bi-Rite for some ice cream as the sun was setting. While I was tempted by the seasonal candy cane flavor, I could no longer feel my feet and figured that ice cream would be counterproductive to the whole staying-warm thing. Look at me! Adulting my way into the new year.

Happy New Year!


Baby, It’s Cold Outside…

Hello everyone!

 I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas with all of your loved ones. IMG_3215 IMG_3217

One of my favorite gifts: a two-carat diamond! Just what I wanted! Now I can drink my coffee and look fabulous all in one go!

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Mimosas: a Christmas tradition.


My silly elf outfit for the day. I felt very cozy and festive in my Uggs and hat, carrying all my family’s presents.



Fun fact: my family has a vineyard in Austria. We opened a bottle of wine from the latest harvest over Christmas dinner.



Beautiful gingerbread cookies, and a glimpse at my holiday work routine below…


Voilà! My Christmas in pictures. 


Though some people might feel as if Christmas is long gone, I like to revel in the spirit into the new year. My little tree is still up, and still surrounded by Christmas treats. It’s been quite cold here in the bay area, so it’s easy to stay in and live in your Christmas sweater for an extra day or two. Of course, being a part of the ballet world, Christmas festivities don’t quite end on the eve of the 25th. Smuin Ballet continued on with four post-Christmas shows, and San Francisco Ballet had its final Nutcracker of the year today. Phew! Can you imagine working overtime through your holidays? I know a lot of you consider attending the Nutcracker as part of your annual Christmas tradition, and this makes it the busiest time of the year for dancers. This often means very few days off and no traveling, which in turn translates to no time spent with family. With this in mind, it astonishes me that people call asking us if we have shows on Christmas Eve proper, or until the 31st. Dancing is really hard, mentally and physically exhausting work. The only reason it doesn’t look like it, is because professional dancers are really good at their jobs. Please, do go to the ballet and enjoy with your friends and family, but also keep this in mind. Maybe applaud extra hard? We always love that.

I know the new year is fast approaching, but I don’t feel at all prepared this year! This time last year, I was hellbent on packing as many things as possible into my carry-on suitcase for my New Zealand trip. I even ended up bowing out of my new year’s eve party early as I had a flight to catch early the very next morning. This year, I’m planning on enjoying the festivities with a few good friends of mine and seeing where the night takes me. (Stay tuned for more later!)


Taking Stock: Christmas Edition

Hello all!


It’s been one whirlwind of a week, and, considering it’s only Wednesday, the holiday craziness continues!

I apparently didn’t have enough foresight to know that going to Trader Joe’s on Christmas Eve would be complete and utter chaos. (Insert horrified emoji here) I pointedly said “Wow! It’s crazy in here” to the woman at the checkout, who looked at me like I had lost my mind. Touché.

Either way, I realized while getting ready for work at the ballet this morning that it’s been an awful long while since my first Taking Stock post, and thought an updated was long overdue!

Here goes nothing…

Making : a last minute gift bag for my neighbor. I found a little Christmas cheer from him waiting at my door today in the form of a gift card. So thoughtful!
Cooking : Parmesan pups from TJ’s to snack on. A high brow pigs-in-a-blanket, really.
Drinking : Found Elderflower soda. A recent delicious discovery at the local Target.
Reading: Survivorby Chuck Palahniuk. I’ve been craving dark novels as of late.
Wanting: Christmas Eve dinner!
Playing: The wait-until-the-last-minute-to-get-ready-for-a-party game.
Wishing: that everyone gets all that they wanted this Christmas.
Enjoying: reruns of Sex & the City on my tiny television.
Waiting: for Christmas morning to enjoy mimosas with the boss lady.
Liking: Nicki Minaj’s new album. I know, it’s rather out of character for me…
Wondering: what to wear! Is an all-black Christmas ensemble appropriate? With a red lip,too.
Loving: the amount of love my students, friends, and family have shown me this Christmas.
Marveling: at the amount of time I’ve spent away from home over the last few weeks.
Needing: an extra cookie sheet to accommodate all the cookie baking I’ve been doing.
Smelling:  Viktor & Rolf’s Flowerbomb. It’s my new fragrance!
Wearing: a big, slouchy teal cashmere sweater to keep me warm.
Thinking: about going to see Into the Woods in theaters soon.
Knowing: that I’ll do some serious damage at all the after Christmas sales.
Opening: presents soon, of course.
Giggling: over Jenna Marbles latest video. Typical Eva.
Feeling: tired. restless. excited. All the things.


Wishing you a happy, merry magical Christmas season, dear readers!